
ICO RatingによるINSのICO評価(前編)
- レーティング
- 概要
- プロジェクトサービスとその利用方法
- プロジェクトの技術的特徴
- マーケットレビュー
- 競争相手と競争優位性
- チーム
- 開発戦略とロードマップ
- マーケティング戦略
- プロジェクトの経済性
- リスク
- トークンの投資誘致力
We assign the INS project a “Positive” rating and recommend buying the tokens of the project as part of a diversified long-term portfolio of crypto assets.
The founders are trying to revolutionize the food retail market in the world’s largest cities, bypassing shops and hypermarkets in the supply chain of goods to the end buyer. This idea is not new, but its implementation on blockchain has a genuinely greater chance of success than traditional technologies.
創業者は、世界の大都市で食料小売市場に革命を起こそうとしており、最終的な買い手(一般消費者)と生産者が直接取り引きすることが出来るプラットフォームの構築を目指しています。 このアイデアはこれまでも考えられてきたアイデアですが、ブロックチェーン技術により、成功のチャンスが大きくなっています。
The team has been engaged in the food retail business in Russia for several years and has already launched its own start-up, Instamart. There are well-known industry experts among advisors to the project, for example Ilya Yakubson, the former president of Dixi, one of the largest neighborhood store networks in Russia.
創業者たちのチームはロシアの食品小売事業に数年間携わっており、すでに独自のスタートアップ「Instamart」を開始しています。このプロジェクトの顧問の中には、よく知られている業界専門家がいます。たとえば、ロシア最大の近所の店舗ネットワークの1つであるDixiの元社長であるIlya Yakubsonがそうです。
The risks of the project lie primarily in the technological and legal fields.
Firstly, the idea itself is both ambitious and utopian: the team will have to overcome a strong lobby of intermediaries in food retail.
Secondly, the project model assumes the active movement of INS tokens from individuals to legal entities, whereas current prospects for recognizing cryptocurrency as a payment instrument are not defined anywhere except Japan.
The INS Token is a utility token; it will be used as a payment tool in the project infrastructure. Token demand is likely to exceed supply as product manufacturers unlike consumers will be required to buy tokens on their INS balance to form reserves for the payment of rewards.
The marketing campaign for the ICO is quite active. There are reasons to believe that by the beginning of the crowdsale, an interested community will be formed around the project.
Nevertheless, the idea of the project looks promising, the concept of the token is valid and the hard cap of the project is adequate; therefore we can recommend INS tokens for purchase as part of a diversified long-term portfolio of crypto assets.
【General information about the Project and ICO】(概要)
Ins.world is a project that aims to create an ecosystem for the direct connection of end users with manufacturers, bypassing retailers. The system will be built on blockchain. It is expected that consumers will be able to save up to 30% compared to the purchase of goods in the supermarket and manufacturers will be able to directly communicate with each customer, promoting their goods in a targeted manner. Manufacturers will be able to independently locate and sell products at their own price and create loyalty programs; sales will take place via the website and mobile application via smart contracts, which will reduce risks and costs. The founders claim support from major manufacturers such as P & G, Unilever, MARS, Valio and PepsiCO. It is also planned to connect small local producers and farmers.
INS, cryptocurrencies and tokens will be available for settlements between users in addition to fiat.
ICO start date: December 4, 2017
ICO end date: December 25, 2017
Token: INS, ERC20
Soft cap: 20,000 ETH
Hard cap: 60,000 ETH
ICO price: 300 INS = 1 ETH
Minimum Buying Transaction: 0.1 ETH (30 INS)
Maximum Buying Transaction: –
Accepted payment: BTC, ETH, LTC, DASH, USD (bank transfer)
Total emission: 50,000,000 INS
ICO開始日 2017年 12月 4日
ICO終了日 2017年 12月 25日
ソフトキャップ:20,000 ETH ※ソフトキャップは12/4(初日)に達成済
ハードキャップ:60,000 ETH
ICO価格:300 INS = 1 ETH
最低購入単位:0.1 ETH (30 INS)
支払い方法:BTC, ETH, LTC, DASH, USD (銀行送金)
最大発行量:50,000,000 INS
Distribution of funds:
Research & Development 50%
Marketing & Sales 27.8%
Admin & Operations 14.4%
Legal 2.8%
Contingency 5%
Token Issue Date: 2 weeks after the ICO
Vesting: Founders have a 2 yr lockup with four 6-month vesting periods
Advisors’ and early supporters’ tokens are locked for 6 months
Escrow: NSP (http://www.nsplaw.com/en/)
【Project services and their usage】(プロジェクトサービスとその利用方法)
The ecosystem of INS is a four-sided trading platform where each participant can interact only with two other participants.
The INS platform will provide an infrastructure for the interaction of suppliers, buyers, operators and employees of distribution centers and courier services. Buyers will search for products from manufacturers, order and pay for them on the website or via the INS application. They can also participate in promotions, provide feedback and make estimates.
INSプラットフォームは、生産者、消費者、物流センターの運営者と従業員、配送業者が取引を行うためのインフラを提供します。バイヤーは生産者から製品を検索し、ウェブサイトまたはINSアプリケーションを介して注文し、支払いを行います。 彼らは、プロモーションに参加し、フィードバックを提供し、見積もりを行うことができます。
Also, there are operators of distribution centers in the INS ecosystem – these are owners or those who rent premises where employees of distribution centers accept goods from suppliers, collect them according to customers orders and transfer them to a courier service. INS Foundation will seek independent operators of distribution centers which will either hire their workers at distribution centers or provide a platform for independent participants.
【Engineering features of the project】(プロジェクトの技術的特徴)
An account should be created on the INS platform to participate in the ecosystem. During registration, the system will create a user profile and a wallet. This wallet will have access to the decentralized INS database and interaction with other participants via smart contracts, for which the INS Foundation commission will be charged for a mediation of 1%. Users will be able to buy INS tokens for fiat or crypto currencies.
INSのプラットフォームへ参加し取引を行うためには、アカウントを作成する必要があります。登録時に、システムはユーザープロファイルとウォレットを作成します。 このウォレットは、分散化されたINSデータベースにアクセスし、スマートコントラクトを利用して他の参加者とのやりとりを行います。取引の際、INSプラットフォームに手数料として1%の仲介料を支払います。 ユーザーは、暗号化通貨としてINSトークンを購入することができます。
Immediately after the ICO, all buyers will receive INS tokens exchanged for ERC20 standard on the Ethereum platform. In the event that INS issues tokens on its own technology, tokens on ERC20 will always be accepted and will be available for 1 to 1 exchange.
Currently, several platforms are considered as a possible base for the INS ecosystem: Ethereum Raiden, EOS, Tezos and Exonum. The INS Foundation declares that they are planning to use the most proven and scalable open source technologies and constantly look for alternative ways of implementation. The main requirements for the platform are support for smart contracts, predictability, stability and operability.
現在、いくつかのプラットフォームがINSエコシステムのプラットフォームの技術的なベースとして検討されています。Ethereum Raiden、EOS、Tezos、Exonumなどが候補です。INSエコシステムは、最も実証され、スケーラブルなオープンソース技術を使用し、継続的な実施方法を模索していると宣言しています。 プラットフォームの主な要件は、スマートコントラクト、予測可能性、安定性、および操作性のサポートがあることです。
It is assumed that the system will be heavily loaded. Currently, blockchain platforms such as Ethereum do not have a high enough transaction speed, and prospective technologies are still only at the development stage. For this reason, the INS Foundation is also considering the option of developing its own INS blockchain platform in the future. According to the founders, it will be possible to achieve required speed relying on a given list of trusted nodes. Proceeding from the fact that their nodes are recognized as reliable, it is planned to apply one of the much faster consensus algorithms from BFT algorithms (HoneyBadgerBFT / Zyzzyva / others). The condition of the INS blockchain will be regularly tied to the most popular ledgers for smart contracts (ETH and ETC at least), i.e. proof of system condition and correctness of transactions can be verified via Ethereum smart contracts.
INSエコシステムには負荷がかかると想定されます。 現在、Ethereumなどのブロックチェーンプラットフォームでは十分なトランザクション速度が得られておらず、将来の技術はまだ開発段階にあります。 このため、INSエコシステムは、独自のINSブロックチェーンプラットフォームを開発する選択肢を視野に入れています。
創始者によれば、信頼できるノードの所与のリストに依拠して必要な速度を達成することが可能になるとされています。ノードが信頼できると認識されていることから、BFTアルゴリズム(HoneyBadgerBFT / Zyzzyva /他)よりもずっと速いコンセンサスアルゴリズムの1つを適用する予定です。INSブロックチェーンの状態は、スマートコントラクト(少なくともETHおよびETC)の最も一般的な元帳に定期的に関連付けられます。つまり、システム状態の証明とトランザクションの正当性は、Ethereumスマートコントラクトを介して確認できます。
Smart contracts are an important component of the ecosystem, greatly improving reliability and reducing the risk of incurring losses for participants. A simple case for their use is the following: after payment for goods by a buyer, the money is frozen in a smart contract, awaiting confirmation of successful receipt of the order. Confirmation comes in the form of an electronic signature on the private key which was used to create the order and that is stored in the wallet.
スマートコントラクト利用の一例として、購入者による商品の支払い後、スマートコントラクトで通貨が確保され、注文の受領が成功するのを待機します。 そして、注文の正当性を確認するために、ウォレットに格納されている秘密鍵の電子署名の形で確認が行わます。
The INS platform will provide several formats of smart contract for participants. Other smart contracts will also be widely used:
– Order contracts can be created by suppliers for servicing and tracking the state of goods in real time – from the moment of payment to the delivery to the buyer.
– Reward contracts will allow them to promote their goods more effectively, providing rewards for loyal customers.
– Voting contracts will be created in conjunction with suppliers and the INS platform to gather consumer opinion about new supplier products and suppliers themselves.
- サプライヤーは、支払いの瞬間から買い手への配送まで、商品の状態をリアルタイムで管理し、追跡するためのスマートコントラクトを作成することができます。
- リワード(報奨)のためにスマートコントラクトが利用されます。生産者が商品をより効果的に宣伝し、優良顧客に対してより良いサービス報酬(ロイヤリティプログラムなど)を提供することを可能にします。
- 新しいサプライヤー製品およびサプライヤーについての消費者の意見を収集するために、サプライヤーおよびINSプラットフォームとともに、投票のためにスマートコントラクトが利用されます。
【Market Review】(マーケットレビュー)
The founders have great experience in the industry. In the documentation they have conducted a thorough analysis of the consumer goods market and its online segment, at which the INS project is aimed.
創業者は業界で優れた経験を持っています。 これらの文書では、INSプロジェクトが目指されている消費財市場とオンライン部門について徹底的な分析を行っています。
According to a Persistence Research article published in December 2014 (https://www.persistencemarketresearch.com/mediarelease/food-retail-market.asp), the volume of the FMCG industry was $5.6 trillion in 2013 and should increase annually by 6.1%, reaching the figure of $8.5 trillion in 2020.
2014年12月に出版されたPersistence Researchの記事によると、2013年のFMCG(Fast-moving consumer goods)業界の売上高は5兆6,000億ドルで、毎年6.1%増加し、2020年には8.5兆ドルに達します。
The food market is considered to be resistant to changes in the economic situation since there is always a need for food.
An essential feature of the FMCG retail market is that most countries have several national retail networks that occupy most of the market. In particular, in the UK 4 retail networks cover 76% of the market.
The INS project is aimed exclusively at the online segment of the FMCG market. According to an IGD study* the global online FMCG market grew by 16% in 2016.
The most developed markets are expected to increase twofold by 2020. The ten largest markets are forecast to grow from $98 billion in 2015 to $290 billion in 2020.
The trend for volume increase in the online FMCG trade is gaining momentum. According to Unata’s 2017 FMCG eCommerce Forecast, the number of online FMCG shoppers in the US in 2017 will increase by more than 60%. The number of respondents who are ready to make these purchases is about 31%.
オンラインFMCG貿易の増加傾向は勢いを増しています。 Unataの2017 FMCG eコマース予測によると、2017年に米国でオンラインFMCGを購入する人の数は60%以上増加するとされています。これらの購入を行う準備ができていると回答した人は約31%です。
The idea of linking producers and buyers directly is not new, but it is blockchain technology that makes it possible to implement this. Currently, there are no analogs of the INS platform.
生産者と購入者を直接結びつけるという考え方は新しいものではありませんが、これを実装することを可能にするのはブロックチェーン技術です。 現在、INSプラットフォームの類似のプロジェクトは存在しません。
【Competitors and competitive advantages of the project】(競争相手と競争優位性)
The direct competitors of the project are the existing retail networks, as INS aims to take away some of their clients and profits. It should be understood that the project is aimed at that part of the market that is responsible for online FMCG trade. In this segment, the INS project is innovative and does not have direct existing competitors.
The INS project will potentially struggle with retail networks for the right to be a platform that connects buyers and manufacturers. The FMCG market demonstrates stable growth and resistance to economic shocks. It also tends to change its structure in favor of increasing the share of online trading. This is a competitive advantage of the INS project over existing business models for retail networks.
The main competitive advantage of INS over retail networks is that its role in the process of interaction between buyers and manufacturers is minimal. INS takes on the logistics function but does not interfere with competition between manufacturers for customers and does not limit the ability of buyers to choose from all available brands.
Currently, the advantage to retailers which will prevent INS quickly capturing most of the FMCG market is the usual experience and loyalty of buyers when the choice of goods occurs at the physical level in the nearest store or supermarket.
At the same time, an important advantage for INS is a deep knowledge of the market. The project team has extensive experience in evaluation of retailers and delivering products from Instamart chain stores which have been operating in Moscow since 2013.
The founders of the project – Peter Fedchenkov and Dmitry Zhulin – have extensive experience in IB, retail and private equity; they organized a service for delivering products from Instamart chain stores in Moscow in 2013. Currently, the company has more than 200 employees and many corporate clients.
プロジェクトの創設者 – Peter FedchenkovとDmitry Zhulin – は、IB、小売およびプライベート・エクイティで豊富な経験を持っています。彼らは、2013年にモスクワのInstamartチェーンストアを創業しました。現在、同社には200人以上の従業員と多くの法人顧客がいます。
Peter Fedchenkov – Co-Founder and CEO worked at Goldman Sachs, Baring Vostok Capital Partners, Credit Suisse and IBM.
Peter Fedchenkov – 共同創業者 CEO
Goldman Sachs、Baring Vostok Capital Partners、Credit Suisse、IBMでの勤務経験があります。
Dmitry Zhulin – Co-Founder and Strategy worked at Rothschild and supervised the transactions of Private Equity in VTB Capital.
Dmitry Zhulin – 共同創業者 戦略担当
Dmitry Khovratovich – Blockchain and Smart Contracts has extensive experience in research in the field of crypto currency and blockchain. Studied at Moscow State University and the University of Luxembourg. Currently continuing work in ICO BOX.
Dmitry Khovratovich – ブロックチェーンとスマートコントラクト
暗号通貨とブロックチェーンの分野での豊富な経験を持っています。 モスクワ州立大学とルクセンブルク大学で学びました。 現在はICO BOXでも勤務しています。
Pavel Yakshankin – Technology – more than 5 years of experience as a developer. Skills: Ruby, Javascript, Erlang.
Pavel Yakshankin – 技術担当 – 開発者としての5年以上の経験を持ち、Ruby,Javascript,Erlangのスキルを保有しています。
Michael Schmidt – US Expansion – has experience in promoting new products (General Electric, Waylens inc.).
Michael Schmidt – 米国エリア – 新製品の販売経験があります(General Electric、Waylens inc)
Fedor Lisitsyn Manufacturer relationships – the main work experience is concentrated in the field of business analytics (McKinsey & Co).
Fedor Lisitsyn 工業RM担当 – 主な業務経験は、ビジネス分析分野(McKinsey&Co)に集中しています。
Maria Lapuk PR well-known PR specialist with 10 years of experience (MTS Group, Odnoklassniki.ru, IIDF, co-founder of Vinci Agency), has many professional awards.
Maria Lapuk PRの有名なPR専門家(MTS Group、Odnoklassniki.ru、IIDF、Vinci Agencyの共同設立者)は、多くの専門賞を受賞しています。
Dmitry Bobylev Technology Experienced developer, former CTO in Do Interactive.Dmitry
Bobylev 経験のある開発者です。Do Interactiveの前CTOを努めた経験があります。
Oleg Litvin – Senior Team Lead.
Oleg Litvin – シニアチームリード
Nikolay Lipkin Marketing was engaged in marketing at Foodpanda (food delivery service), has extensive experience in mobile marketing.
Nikolay Lipkin マーケティング
Pavel Glukhov Operations former COO at Hermes DPD, more than 15 years of experience in delivery of goods.
Pavel Glukhov オペレーション
Hermes DPDの前COOで、15年以上の商品の配送経験を持っています。
Daniil Galkin Customer Service.
Daniil Galkin カスタマーサービス
Frank van der Tol – Europe Expansion – Experienced FMCG & Retail professional (food and non-food). Over 15 years experience in FMCG/Retail, eCommerce and online market places. Previously with Accenture. Erasmus University Rotterdam Economics MSc, TIAS School for Business & Society MBA.
Frank van der Tol – ヨーロッパエリア – FMCG&リテールプロフェッショナル(食品と非食品)を経験。 FMCG /リテール、電子商取引、オンライン市場での15年以上の経験を持ち、以前はアクセンチュアで働いていました。エラスムス大学ロッテルダム経済学修士号、TIAS School for Business & SocietyのMBAを保有しています。
Prabhakar Reddy – Asia Expansion – Serial entrepreneur, with 9+ years of experience running successful businesses in India, Dubai and San Francisco. MBA from Harvard Business School
Prabhakar Reddy – アジアエリア担当 – インド、ドバイ、サンフランシスコで9年以上のビジネス経験がある起業家です。 ハーバードビジネススクールのMBAを保有しています。
Product advisor – Eyal Hertzog (experience in the field since 1998).
プロダクトアドバイザー – Eyal Hertzog(1998年からの現場での経験)
Community advisers –
Michael Terpin (founder of Transform Group, PR company with more than 40 successful ICOs; co-founder of BitAngels; Advisor at ICOBox),
Moe Levin (CEO Keynote) and Sebastian Stupurac (has worked with blockchain technology since 2013, currently employed at WINGS Stiftung).
コミュニティアドバイザ –
Michael Terpin (40社以上のICO経験を持つPR会社であるTransform Groupの創業者、BitAngelsの共同創設者、ICOBoxのアドバイザー)
Moe Levin(CEO Keynote)
Sebastian Stupurac(2013年からブロックチェーン技術を担当しており、WINGS Stiftungで勤務しています)。
ICO advisors – Dmitry Filatov (ICORating, ICOShark, Topface), Ilya Perekopsky (Blackmoon Financial Group, Vkontakte ltd).
ICOアドバイザー –
Dmitry Filatov(ICORating、ICOShark、Topface)
Ilya Perekopsky(Blackmoon Financial Group、Vkontakte ltd)
PR advisor – David Wachsman (founder of the largest ICO PR agency. Some customers: Dash, Iconomi, Aragon, Kraken, Lisk and Kik).
PRアドバイザー –
David Wachsman(世界最大のICO広報誌の創設者、Dash、Iconomi、Aragon、Kraken、Lisk、Kik)
Academic advisor – Dr. Rawi Abdelal.
アカデミックアドバイザー – Dr. Rawi Abdelal
The whole project team has significant experience in the retail sector and looks more than qualified. We have not encountered any negative information on team members. However, we note that Dmitry Filatov is among the advisors of the project, representing among other things the ICOShark investment fund.
Participation by representatives of crypto funds as advisors of ICO projects is treated by us as an additional risk for tokenholders, since it is always possible that the fund has invested in tokens at an early stage with a significant discount and will be interested in fixing profits after the beginning of token circulation in the secondary market.
プロジェクトチーム全体は、小売業界での豊富な経験があり、十分な能力を持っています。チームメンバーについて否定的な情報はありませんでした。しかし、我々はDmitry Filatovがプロジェクトの顧問の1人であり、とりわけICOShark投資ファンドを代表していることに注意しています。
ICOプロジェクトの顧問として、暗号通貨投資ファンドの代表者が参加することは、トークン所有者の追加リスクとなります。なぜならば、ファンドは初期段階で割引価格でトークンに投資しており、 流通市場におけるトークン流通の始まるとともに、売り抜けることが可能だからです。
[…] ICO格付けサイトにおけるINSの評価を解説します(日本語訳あり)~前編~ […]